Mohit Kumar Jaiswal
What was the inspiration behind your artwork?
I am a student of science, and ever since I learned of the topic, I tried to come up with an artwork which portrayed the literal meaning of catalyst. I even tried to correlate my love of neuroscience with the topic, but I was struggling. It is then that I turned towards another love and passion of mine - the Cosmos. I love the Moon and almost everything about it fascinates me. The lunar cycle is less of a chemical reaction that will need a catalyst, but being an atheist, I tried to spin the "divine touch" concept from a new perspective. That is where Michelangelo's God Hands comes in; the Vitruvian Man is supposed to be imagery for balance, beauty, symmetry, and harmony that prevails in Nature, however I used the fictional concept of portals to link the Vitruvian Man and the God Hands to show that Nature and God are one and the same and that the Moon phases are more of sleight of the Hands than being a natural process. Thus, the touch of the Hands acts as the divine catalyst for the monthly lunar spectacle.
What do you see as the similarity between science and art? Why is science-art important in today's society?
Truth, beauty, and simplicity in hindsight will be the characteristics that both science and art portray, however, all three are one and the same in its profound meaning.
Most of the people around the world, even those who belong to science, they fail to grasp the intersection of science and art. Most of us have been trained in such a manner, where we hold science in such a level of austerity, that we fail to even imagine a scenario that science and art can be and actually are the two sides of the same coin. It just depends on your perception. It is so important that people today, realize that because exciting things are waiting for us at the exciting merger of science-art - and we owe it to ourselves and our curiosity to experience that.
Get to know the artist!
Mohit Kumar Jaiswal (he/him) is a final-year Bioinformatics Masters student from Bioinformatics Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. He is currently working on small world networks and investigating the impact of compensatory perturbations on such complex networks and their subsequent rescue dynamics, at the Centre for Ecological Science, IISc, Bangalore. He is primarily interested in neuronal networks and synaptic plasticity and wants to be a Neuroscientist. He is also passionate about SciComm and scientific outreach. When he is not busy in academia, he likes to illustrate, learn fictional languages and explore new places. He has recently been introduced to the field of SciArt and hopes to flourish in this platform further.
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Follow Mohit on Instagram: @inshura